It's hard to believe how much Dasha has changed since we met her last September. Here are a few pictures showing how much she's changed, she hardly looks like the girl we met on our first trip and her personality has changed so much too. She was a sad, angry little girl when we first got her and now she is a giggly, happy little girl. I am so proud of how well she has adapted to her new life, what she's been through would cripple most adults and she has thrived. I love you Dasha and I'm so proud of you!

Trip One- Sept. 2007

Trip Two- Jan.2008

Home 1 month- March 2008

Home 5 months- July 2008
By the way, our first postplacement report arrived and has been apostilled and Fed-Exed back and should be on its way to translation in Russia. We took Dasha with us to get the report apostilled. I think the ladies in the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office enjoyed meeting her!