Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Starting a To Do List

Well, I've started a "to do list" of things we need to have ready in case our referral comes soon. Chris is off on Friday, so we're doing some of the things then that we need to do together (in addition to preparing for his parents' visit the next week). First we need to go to our bank and request cash in the form of new bills to take on our first trip. It usually takes a while for them to get the amount of new bills that we're going to need so I figured asking early was a good thing. My mom used to work at a bank and she said her bank had to order them and it usually took her three weeks to get them. Then we need to get passport photos taken to go on our visa applications. I saw somewhere that you can fill out most of the visa application ahead of time, then just fill in the other blanks when it's time to go so we may look into that too. (money and visa photos done!)

Stuff that doesn't have to be done Friday, but before we go...
1.) take pictures of me, Chris, Chris' parents (they're visiting from Arkansas next week, perfect timing to get their pictures taken), my parents, and a few other things to go into a photo album to leave with the baby at the orphanage (almost done)
2.) get a disposable camera to leave with the orphanage workers (done-thanks Joanne!)
3.) call the doctor and see if she's willing to give us a prescription for antibiotics to take in case we get sick and ask about putting tubes in my ears for flying since they don't equalize the pressure AT ALL--they just hurt horribly for hours at landing and after the flight
4.) make a packing list for the suitcases
5.) show Chris how to work the videocamera so we can take turns
6.) get together donations to take for the orphanage
7.) make a list of phone numbers and important addresses to have with us in Russia
8.) call the cell phone company and sign up for international calling (our phone is GSM capable) (done- $3.99/minute! will probably mostly be emailing from the hotel business center!)
9.) arrange with someone to drop us off/pick us up from the airport (done)
10.) ask my brother to take care of the dogs and cats (done)
11.) want to get a travel book about Russia (done- Lonely Planet makes a great travel book!)
12.) finish this list--gosh, I feel tired just thinking about all this!

Russian phrases of the day: "Do you speak english?"- vy govo'rite po ang'liiski
"I don't speak russian."- ya ne govo-ryu po russki


Anonymous said...

Susan...I know you are getting excited! I just KNOW that your referral will be here soon! Your "To Do List" sounds formidable but I know you will get it done. And I'm sure you will add lots more to it before you even get this part done...LOL I can't wait to meet your precious little girl. Don't rush God. He is picking out the "ONE" for you. He will lead you to her. What a special child she will be to have you and Chris as her parents and vice versa. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know. What are the things you need for the donations to the orphanage? Perhaps we can help with that? I know your friends would like to help...

Anonymous said...


I am willing to help in any that I can. I'd love to help with the donations of items for the orphanage and even purchase a couple of disposeable cameras. My suburban is capable of making a run to the airport if needed.

I can feel your excitement and get excited for you every time you make a post to your website. That nursery will be bustling with activity very soon. I will continue to keep each of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Joanne Berryman

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy today :)

We will help with whatever we can!

Emily and Chris have talked a lot today about "her" and Emily wanted to look at baby stuff at Target tonight. She was picking out bibs for her and said they had to be pink.

We are all getting so excited!!


Anonymous said...

Wow - what a list! Knowing you, it will be done quicker than you think. I'm so excited the time is getting close - you know God's timing is perfect and it WILL be for you and your precious little girl. Can't wait to hear you guys are leaving. I can donate things for the orphanage - let me know. And anything else you need, you know you don't need to hesitate to ask.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

This may not help you at all, and maybe you've heard of them before, but have you ever tried EarPlanes? They're similar to earplugs but it may help your ears on the flight. I saw them at Target yesterday and thought of you. Just wanted to share. :o)